1. Enrollment confirmation
    1.1 Course enrolment is confirmed upon receiving the full payment amount
  1. Postponing Course Date
    2.1 Reschedule course dates are subject to the availability of seats on the next course date
    2.2 Rescheduling only can be arranged once. If the student cannot attend, 100% of the course fee will be forfeited
    2.3 Digital Assets Consulting Pte. Ltd. reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any course. All students will be duly notified at least one week prior, and where applicable, 100% of the course fee can be refunded upon request.
  1. Refund Policy
    3.1 All refund requests need to be submitted before the commerce of the course. Refund application is not accepted on the actual day of the course commerce date ( after 00:01 hours)
  2. 3.2
    Refund Request made before the course commerce date Refund %
    7 days (including weekends) 50%
    More than 7 days 100%
      Digital Assets Consulting Pte. Ltd. reserves the right to make appropriate changes to the aforementioned information.